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Am glad you could find time to visit my blog. This blog is a collection of all my poems I find inspiring. Some written by me (not that am that skillful but I just love putting down some few lines), while the others are by family friends, colleagues, family members, etc who graciously added theirs to my collection.
I hope you will find them interesting and inspiring as I do. Also some few lines of your comments about each post will be well appreciated.
Once again, a BIG WELCOME! to you.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


A dry rugged terrain,
A place not friendly for human habitation.
Spanning across it, the thorns and thistles,
Plants of no economic importance.
Giving you a hard time, throughout the journey.

Patched and uninviting,
lurking within it, the terrors of mankind.
Completely forsaken,

completely desolate in it,
A wandering soul could be.
Trudging through it at night, is never to be wished for again.

The experience so frightening,as well as challenging
Marching on tirelessly, a mission to accomplish;
for my Guide knows the way.
I wished for the better,
but I felt His gentle arms urging me on in His footsteps.

Strengthened by Him alone, on and on I moved.
Wondering when the journey will be over.
The answer: "when I'm through with making You".
"How Long?" "As long as you will require".
looking around me, a lesson to learn from the "Beasts of Burden";
All also made by my Guide.

Never complaining about their situation,
Rather finding this desolation, a delightful domicile.
What an irony! that so gentle-looking creatures,

would delight in so hostile a place.
Never willing to give it up for a better one.
I really have got a lot to learn!

Written by
Inyengi Kalio


  1. important post to my life of the WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE , keep up the good work

  2. this is very nice story I like this story.

  3. really heart touching mate.
    good work
    keep it up

  4. really very good! just marvelous!! very nice!!

  5. Really Nice Story. Thanks for Sharing with us.

  6. Its a good story. keep posting like this awesome post.

  7. nice words buddy! And you have this unique way of express your feelings!keep up!

  8. Very interesting. I like reading poems and I rate this post 5+. Great creativity you have.

  9. i fell really Good after reading that experience...

  10. This is something difference.You have presented a story by using a poem.I really like it.

  11. Ilike reading poems.the WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE , keep up the good work

  12. My favourite poem...this is a very good way to express the fellings.

  13. Good and true poem about the desert life which is so much hard and totally different from the fast life of city. Nice words and good words. you are doing good work.

  14. Its an awesome poetry. I like it. good hand writing on poetry
