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Am glad you could find time to visit my blog. This blog is a collection of all my poems I find inspiring. Some written by me (not that am that skillful but I just love putting down some few lines), while the others are by family friends, colleagues, family members, etc who graciously added theirs to my collection.
I hope you will find them interesting and inspiring as I do. Also some few lines of your comments about each post will be well appreciated.
Once again, a BIG WELCOME! to you.

Monday, July 11, 2011


The door opened for me to walk through;
For an invitation had been given to come tither.
Relunctantly I agreed to go.
Presenting my invitation at the door, 
I sought the face of him who stood at the entrance,
To bid me proceed.

Plantarflexing courteously, the way in he showed me.
Stepping into the hall hesitantly, a breath-taking sight I beheld.
The hall glowed of an inexplicable light, 
A glory beyond one's comprehension.
Still trying to fathom this great sight,

I saw their faces smiling at me, bidding me come forward.

Moving to the first, I saw him;
Abel! killed by his brother Cain,
But by faith gave an offering accepted by God.
Though no more, his face hung on this hall-way ever to be seen,
By generations yet unborn.

Next to him, could this be true?!
Enoch, never tasted death, because he was taken by God.
For by faith he pleased his Creator.
As I stood gazing in amazement at this man, who never died!
Noah caught my attention.
His ark speaking volumes of a wisdom that supercedes humanity.

Aha! this must be Abraham, smiling lovingly at me.
The father of all nations, The friend of God,
Of whose promises I am a partaker. Whoa!
"Oh no! don't hold her too long".
Mother Sarah called, eager to see me stand before her.
I beheld her who defied nature to conceive well past menopause.

The more I looked, the more I saw the endless chain of lovely faces,
Speaking greatly of a God who honours faith.
Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab,
The Judges, and the prophets of old.
David and the great women of faith.
All of these obtained a good report through FAITH!

What about you???

Written by 
Inyengi Kalio


  1. I like your poems. Thay are so true, if that is the word to express it. Keep up the good work :)

  2. wow..really meaningful poem..I like it

  3. Very well written poem. The words are well chosen for describing FAITH'S HALL OF FAME. Expression is quite well.

  4. cool mate you have very good skill in poem writing
    keep it up

  5. So Coooool.It is a really really meaningful poem.Good work

  6. That is really very good poem .. also meaningful. want more like this .

  7. Wow! what a nice poetry!! I just wonder to read your poem and I am very pleased with this writing.

  8. WOW! the poem is very nice and the words in this poem is very meaningful if you understand it.

  9. there is no doubt, it is a great poem. i like this kind of poem.

  10. Wow! what a nice poetry!! I just wonder to read your poem and I am very pleased with this writing.

  11. This is nice poetry Man!!!!!!. i wish i had the ability to express myself like you are doing. Keep it up.

  12. I feel lively by reading this poem. I would love to read more of you. Regards,

  13. Wow! what a nice poetry!! I just wonder to read your poem and I am very pleased with this writing.

  14. It is not a poem to me.Seems like it has been taken from life.Amazing writing!!!
