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Am glad you could find time to visit my blog. This blog is a collection of all my poems I find inspiring. Some written by me (not that am that skillful but I just love putting down some few lines), while the others are by family friends, colleagues, family members, etc who graciously added theirs to my collection.
I hope you will find them interesting and inspiring as I do. Also some few lines of your comments about each post will be well appreciated.
Once again, a BIG WELCOME! to you.

Monday, July 11, 2011


The door opened for me to walk through;
For an invitation had been given to come tither.
Relunctantly I agreed to go.
Presenting my invitation at the door, 
I sought the face of him who stood at the entrance,
To bid me proceed.

Plantarflexing courteously, the way in he showed me.
Stepping into the hall hesitantly, a breath-taking sight I beheld.
The hall glowed of an inexplicable light, 
A glory beyond one's comprehension.
Still trying to fathom this great sight,