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Am glad you could find time to visit my blog. This blog is a collection of all my poems I find inspiring. Some written by me (not that am that skillful but I just love putting down some few lines), while the others are by family friends, colleagues, family members, etc who graciously added theirs to my collection.
I hope you will find them interesting and inspiring as I do. Also some few lines of your comments about each post will be well appreciated.
Once again, a BIG WELCOME! to you.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Rises without warning,
Yet not easily subdued.
Useful when harnessed properly,
Destructive if allowed to run wild.
But what is man without it?
when pregnant, it brings forth achievements,
And failure a product of its abortion.
Hear it calling

out strongly from within;
For goals yet to be attained,
Grounds yet to be broken,
And frontiers yet to be conquered.
Together with its twin appetite,
And brothers greed and covetousness,
A mighty havoc the create;
Unleashing terror on humanity, with so great a fury.
Indeed man is nothing without it;
For in it lies the path to greatness, prosperity, and success.

Always desire good things for others and yourself.

Written by
Inyengi Kalio


  1. It is a nice poem. It has a reality of this poem. but now i can feel hope from this poem. It so nice and very well poem. I like it very much.

  2. Very well said in nice words. If we desire bad things for others, that desire will also harm us. So, even others think to harm us, we should always desire good things.

  3. Men lives on hope and it is such kind of poem that indicates the good desires. Excellent poem had I ever read. keep the writings up.

  4. Hi! this is very interesting post. It is very true that when we desire some thing we cross every limit to get it. Some times that desire is out of reach but we try our full force to get it.I like it very much.

  5. in my opinion, Desire is the cause of living..
    It helps us to bear unwanted situations and it keeps our hope alive, this poem deeply explains the meaning of desire, I love it...

  6. Nice and excellent words in this poem. Very good moral that always desire positive because if you will think about positively then everything will be automatically positive.

  7. Very innovative poem and it will give confidence to do what ever in our life, if we have desire, we can do anything.

  8. This is a great post. You have explored and make you love to you father for making you.The poem is really very emotion.As a result you are able to see the beauty of world.
