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Am glad you could find time to visit my blog. This blog is a collection of all my poems I find inspiring. Some written by me (not that am that skillful but I just love putting down some few lines), while the others are by family friends, colleagues, family members, etc who graciously added theirs to my collection.
I hope you will find them interesting and inspiring as I do. Also some few lines of your comments about each post will be well appreciated.
Once again, a BIG WELCOME! to you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011



I respect my self too much
I'm saving it for marriage
I make life long decisions with my head, not hormones.
I don't owe it to anyone;
If you cared you wouldn't dare;
God's plan is the best.

I need real love

not a cheap substitute
I want you to love me not my body.
I'd rather bare my soul than my bottom;
Its a thrill that could kill.
Real men don' act like animals;
God's plan is the best.

Because I want a real honeymoon;
Any boy can, but a man can wait.
Because love is not an act, its a commitment;
Because several people will get veneral disease,
While doing it today.
What am I missing out on ?
Unwanted pregnancy! Guilt! Hurt! Disease!!!
Aids forever, Shameful death!
NO! God's plan is the Best!

If you really love me, you can accept "No".
I want to be accepted for who I am,
And not what I have to give.
I'm not ready for "Junior" yet.
Its just not worth it.
You don't want me, You want it!!!
I know God's plan is the best.

I will wait!

author unknown


  1. Great understanding about yourself. Every people should have that. It is really a great post. I amused to read that.

  2. Great poems the words in this poem is touch my heart and i gain alot of knowledge from this superb poem.

  3. You have great Thoughts man. And you have the ability to express them in a nice way. I love your poetry. They give me a new way to think. Thanks.

  4. "I want you to love me not my body."

    It' a real way of love. I like the poem.

    I will wait!
